In the Bulrushes, 2022


A modern depiction of the story of Moses. Capturing the moment when action puts forth a display of trust and faith in God.   Currently on display and available for purchase at Joanna Aplin Fine Art Studio + Gallery / Heritage Place Shopping Centre in Owen Sound.   Inquire For Pricing View More Photos

Dance, 2022


“Get crazier with your art” he says. “Easier said than done,” I say to myself. He sees and feels what I do, however, and it is sound advice. So after a week of struggling in another piece, I pivot and decide to ‘play’ and see where it goes. When I think ‘crazy’ I think freer lines and shapes and trusting more of my instinctual movements – rather than a contrived, thought-out composition. I can’t seem to be that spontaneous with my colour however. Colour theory is complex, so it requires more time and thought for me especially if I want to be daring. Colours have the ability to accentuate a feeling or expression, and how they work together can either complement or confuse the overall piece. (I’ve had this colour palette in my archive for over six months, just itching to be used in one of my works). As I started to place lines and shapes together I could see abstract figures in dance-like poses … yes! I want to dance too! Turn the music up! The composition started coming together and the colours approved of it too. What a way to end a week of creative lows – to paint a vivid retro dancing scene! A real turn of events!

Sweet Release, 2023


Currently on display and available for purchase at Joanna Aplin Fine Art Studio + Gallery / Heritage Place Shopping Centre in Owen Sound.   Inquire For Pricing View More Photos

In The Balance, 2022


There is a real battle to be won in the hearts and minds of man. We strive for independence yet the irony is, everyone is a slave to something. Even as Christians, we are continually coming up against disbelief in our thoughts, reactions, complacency and even in our hyperactivity for the Lord’s work. We become good at “putting on” – but when the Lord breaks in and reveals we are faced with a truer representation of what really happened on the cross and what is intended for us. This process, this stripping away is the dynamic, sacrificial love of God for us. So here we have a young man, liberated with colour, yet his posture bears much weight. The vibrant colours represent the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. A deep searching begins and the body awaits. Corrie Ten Boom once said, “Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open.” The mercies of God, when we choose to obey Him, may still require suffering, but the outcome will produce a life of great love, freedom and peace.

Breathe, 2021


Another piece in the series of Mother and Child. The painting captures the last stage of pregnancy when breathing becomes more of a challenge. A woman becomes very aware of how precious it is to breathe easy; this little life that is within is requiring more and it’s almost time for his or her arrival. […]

Joie de Vivre, 2022

Joie de Vivre_feature

Currently on display and available for purchase at Maud Gallery in Edmonton, AB.   Inquire For Pricing View More Photos

The Bends, 2021


During COVID, my figure drawing has revolved around rendering the body in ‘bending’ positions. I believe it is in response to how I feel internally to all the changes and uncertainty around me. Although it may look like a defeated posture, I find such great comfort and release in it. So thankful to have a […]

Days End, 2021


Who remembers those gorgeous sunny days of August? Colourful blooming flowers, the warmth of the sun, and smells that delight our senses – all of these things feel instinctively feminine and very sensual, that I had to capture it in a painting.

Here are some of my thoughts as I worked on this piece…

Her disposition is peaceful and her glowing skin reflects the beauty of nature around her. Everywhere you look, there are warm hues of colours contouring her body presenting her as the floral centrepiece. The breeze carries into the room hints of fresh cut grass that still linger from the remains of the day. Light-hearted, she gets ready to retire for the evening. Exhale. This is summer. Repeat.